SeaSalt aims to directly support families by offering high quality practical advice about Speech, Language and Communication needs of children. Intervention can be assessment and advice, or can include regular therapy.
If you would like to discuss how SeaSalt can support your child please contact me.
The indirect level - assist your child to develop their speech language and communication potential. This can be achieved through training and information, so that I am enabling adults in the child’s life to provide a communicative environment and to understand speech and language development and disorder.
The targeted level – ensuring children are given SMART goals to optimise their communication skills. This can be achieved through speech and language assessments, used to create objectives and resources, enabling others to carry out activities to attain speech and language goals.
The specialist level – ensure your child optimises their speech and language skills by offering direct intervention. This can be achieved through a speech and language therapist carrying out activities to attain speech and language goals.